Quirindi Rural Heritage Village is situated 3 kms west of Quirindi on the Gunnedah Road (Kamilaroi Highway) in north
western New South Wales, Australia.
The Museum, Heritage Village and coffee shop are open Friday, Saturday and Sundays 10 am - 1 pm and other times by appointment.Working
bees are held on Tuesdays and a Men's shed operates on Thursday mornings.
An annual vintage machinery and miniature railway rally and swap meet where machinery enthusiasts and "swappers" gather
together is held in autumn, the first weekend in May. The village is set on 18 acres, in the heart of
the rich farming area - the Liverpool Plains - the Gateway to North West NSW.
The village has been designed to collect, preserve, restore, interpret and exhibit artefacts that relate to the history,
heritage and culture of the regional area.
The first two pavilions, main exhibition area, steam-engine shed, "Village Workshop", blacksmith's shop, very well presented
Museum and refreshing coffee shop are operational.
Pavilion two is the domain of the agricultural implements, including a 1901 Clayton and Shuttlework threshing machine,
elevator and chaff cutter, the remnants of a Squire plough (the four-runner of four wheel drive tractors), vintage tractors,
antique engines - even two old fire trucks. Recent additions are a 8 hp Blackstone engine and a 7/16th model Kenworth
truck. A fantastic saddlery display, complete with replica horse and a Light Horse display are new features. More than 2000
heritage objects are now on site, with plenty more to come. The Village workshop is now complete with metal, plumbing
and woodworking spaces.
"Trainworld" is the latest addition, a magnificent collection of Guage 1 railway, intricate model engines, rolling stock and
beautiful scenery and model planes plus other tractor and car models grace this building.
A group of "HO" guage railway buffs continue work on their display, track and scenery in their building, whilst in the main
building there is a model tram set-up.
An additional machinery shed and an extension to the Museum has doubled its size. The 650 metre miniature
railway was officially opened at the 2008 rally. Trains regularly run the fourth Sunday in the month with birthday
parties a speciality. More than 1200 metres of track have been laid, a steaming bay constructed and a railway
station and turn-table, plus a replica Sydney Harbour Bridge and a tunnel. Miniature rail enthusiasts from a wide area attend
regular meets.
The annual rally attracts people and their machines from all over Australia and overseas. It showcases the restoration
of machines from the past, ranging from tractors and steam engines, from collections of smaller items such as shearing gear,
lawn mowers and also craft items to interest the ladies. A street procession through the town gives the vintage tractor and
car enthusiasts a chance to show off their prized possessions and the children are kept entertained with events and the miniature
Why not join this enthusiastic group who are endeavouring to preserve our valuable history for future generations. Membership
is payable by June 30 each year. Junior and senior membership is also available.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month (at the Heritage Village) with regular working bees held on
the Sunday following.
The Quirindi Rural Heritage Village is on a "Tourist Loop" that includes the Australian Rail Monument at Werris Creek,
the Village, the Quirindi Historical Cottage and the First Fleet Gardens at Wallabadah, so if you are looking for a day
out from either Quirindi, Gunnedah, Scone or Tamworth, this is the ideal trip.
Another new attraction for the district is the Quirindi Silo Art project, to be completed shortly.
For further information contact:-
President Bob McInnes on 0427462083,
Secretary - Cedric Grayson on 0427461785,
Treasurer - Joy Maunder on 0429681685,
Rally Secretary - Beryl Mannion on 0428161479
Promotions Officer - Sandra Saunders on 0427462933
Coffee shop - Sue Nichols on 0413308358.
Miniature train bookings - John Maunder 0490861372
HERITAGE VILLAGE PHONE 67462992, ah 0428161479
We are now on FACEBOOK
Bus tours and groups are most welcome, please phone 0428161479 so arrangements can be made for outside normal operating
hours. Disabled toilet facilities are available.
Table of Contents December 2022
Visit beautiful Quirindi in the heart of the Liverpool Plains, Gateway to the North West of New South Wales.
Miniature train at the Coepolly Rail Station, Quirindi Rural Heritage Village


The Federation Pavilion with the 1878 Eclipse wooden windmill in the foreground |

The tractor pull in operation at the annual rally |

Rally action during 2008 |

George Mannion's 1903 steam traction engine, resident at the Heritage Village |
23rd Annual Vintage Machinery and Miniature Railway
Rally & Swap Meet
6 & 7 May. 2023
TRACTOR TREK Friday, May 5
Street parade of vintage cars, tractors etc Sat 9.30 am
Vintage tractors, engines, Steam engines, cars, trucks, Motor bikes etc
Tractor Pull - Miniature trains running
Working demonstrations, tractor events, etc
Arts & Crafts, sheep shearing
MORE THAN 100 swap sites booked
Coffee shop, canteen and bush camping facilities available
Rally dinner, entertainment etc. Saturday night
ADMISSION $10, under 16 $2 , swap sites $25
Contact Rally Secretary Beryl Mannion 0428161479,
Cedric Grayson 0427461785,
John Maunder (trains) 0490861372 Model trains Matt Wilcox 0428690000